Get the developmental disability training that is mandated for many caregivers.

Get the developmental disability training that is mandated for many caregivers.

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Visions & Pathways is an approved course to meet the Medicaid mandated requirement for Developmental Disability Training which caregivers, who work with children with developmental disabilities in the state of Idaho, have to take.

"This manual gave some peace of mind in order to cope with unexpected, unfamiliar scenarios that may arise when providing care to clients."

Regina Horton

"I understand more about why my clients need the specific Plan of Care for them and why it is important for me to follow it. It also makes me feel more comfortable working with them after reading about each Developmental Disability."

Rosa Isasmendi

"I better understand techniques that will benefit my client by knowing what they are going through and giving them a better outlet to express themselves."

Jordan Bennett

"I feel like I know more about their disabilities, the cause, treatments, how it affects them and things I could do to help them as much as possible."

Rahma Salat

"It was helpful to understand the application and qualification processes, and the descriptions of the types of services my client receives."

Kristine Ellis

Who Needs the Course?

  • Personal Care Service Agencies
  • Certified Family Homes
  • Caregivers for the Developmentally Disabled
  • Those who need CEU's
  • Habilitative Interventionists
  • Habilitative Support Workers

Why Do I Need Certification?

Medicaid requires all workers caring for individuals with developmental disabilities to be certified. QA nurses look to ensure the caregiver has met the DD training requirement.

How Does It Work?

Each caregiver has 30 days from the start of the course to the completion of the test. It takes about 9 hours total to complete. If it is not completed within the month the material will time out and the test answers completed will be lost. The caregiver will have to start over.

What Happens if I Failed?

You can't fail! The course will not allow you to proceed to the next section until you pass the current section. There are unlimited number of times that you can repeat a quiz. There is no reason a person can fail unless you choose not to complete the course before your 30 days expires.

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Providing an easier, faster way for caregivers to meet the Developmental Disability Medicaid Mandated Training

for working with children with Developmental Disabilities in the PCS world.


    • Downloadable textbook
    • Online test
    • Downloadable certificate
    • Access to test for 30 days
    • Open book test
    • No time limit on test
    • Continued access to textbook by logging in
    • Download the textbook for future reference
    • Print your certificate any time within the 30 days your account is active

    ***Most students complete the course within a week!


    • What happens if I can't complete the course within 30 days?
      • If you have mitigating circumstances where are are not able to complete the course within 30 days, please contact us to request an extension.
      • If you just didn't get the course completed because you weren't a responsible student, you'll need to reregister for the course and begin all over again — hey, life's tough.

    Continuing Education Units

    This course has been approved by the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare for 9 CEU's, within those 9, 6 are Behavioral CEU's.

    Regarding Habilitative Developmental Disability Training Hours,

    Idaho IDAPA Rules states: 07. Continuing Training Requirements for Professionals. Each professional providing waiver services must complete at least twelve (12) hours of yearly training, six (6) hours of which must cover behavior methodology or interventions shown to be effective. If the individual has not completed the required training during any yearly training period, he may not provide waiver services beginning with the anniversary date of the following period, and thereafter, until the required number of training hours have accumulated. As training hours accumulate, they will be accounted first to any training deficient prior yearly period before being applied to the current annual training period. Training hours may not be earned in a current annual training period to be applied to a future training period. (7-1-11)